Our mission

We propose ourselves as the ideal partner for industry 4.0 projects of small and medium-sized Italian manufacturing excellence that aim at adopting the new model focused on the availability of Big Data and collaboration between humans and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Technologies and software products

We provide the technologies and software products developed and tested within research projects, customizing their availability and usability for small and medium-sized industrial excellences.

Technology and Software Products

Support for Innovation Projects

We support, from a technological and methodological standpoint, the needs for personalized and optimized use of new tools along the innovation processes of companies engaged in their new digital transformation.

Support for Innovation Projects

Application research activity

We co-operate with international research institutes, ICT leaders and large and small leading companies in research projects funded by the European Community to test the most innovative technological solutions in various market sectors.

Applied Research Activities

A perfect combination of technological know-how,applied research and business solutions.

Our Uniqueness

Holonix was founded in 2010 by the Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering of the Politecnico di Milano, after many years of consolidation in national and international research projects.

The deep integration between the skills needed in research projects and the know-how acquired in 10 years of collaboration with Italian manufacturing SMEs is the ideal catalyst for the creation of concrete products/services with an innovative DNA, able to adapt and grow according to the real needs of our customers, further evolving in new projects based on field experiences and directing the discoveries of the research towards the everyday use.

Products/serviceHolonix Brochure / PDF

Innovation is in our DNA

and new technologies are the qualifying factor.

Innovation is the result of an investment

Since 2010 we have been successfully participating in national and international Research Projects investigating the use of new technologies to innovate products and processes, mainly in the industrial field.

The skills and experiences acquired are translated into products and services for the market, thanks to a development area entirely dedicated to the testing of concepts and tools used in the Projects.

Our distinctive goal is to ensure even to small and medium-sized companies, excellence of our national entrepreneurship, the availability of state-of-the-art technological products and services, especially tailored to meet their specific needs.

Innovation is the result of continuous trainingua

We are a young and dynamic team, strongly motivated to share with our partners and customers the know-how and skills we have acquired over the years.

Our key principle is continuous training, to support and encourage each member in their own professional growth. . Increasing one’s knowledge and acquiring new skills is the priority of everyone in our team.

Our network of collaboration, though, stretches far beyond our company’s borders. We connect with influential partners and market leaders on a daily basis as an additional opportunity to learn and grow.

We are partners of UCIMU, UCINA, Alleantia, members of Federmacchine, and IBM Registered Business Partner.

Teamwork divides tasksand multiplies success!

The Holonix Team

The Holonix Team comprises researchers, PhD students, engineers, lean managers with proven experience and professionalism.
We are a young, dynamic team, strongly motivated to share with our partners and customers the know-how on the Internet of Things and the skills that we have acquired over the years.

Our network extends way beyond national borders: we co-operate with foreign partners and market leaders on a daily basis, as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Our Partners

What does "Holonix" mean?

The name Holonix comes from Holon

“Holon” is a term coined by Arthur Koestler in 1968. In the theory of nonlinear systems, the holon is a part of a complex system with its own individuality, but at the same time it is also an integrated part of a higher-order system.

The holon is composed of other subsystems, which are usually holons themselves. For example, each human being is a single individual who is part of a social community. In turn, the human being is made up of cells, each individually different from the others, which are holons themselves.

  • They are part of a stratified order
  • Their interaction is significantly different from their individual behavior (the whole is either greater or lesser than the sum of its parts)
  • Each holon is an integral part of the higher-order “whole”, while still asserting its own individual nature (society and nations, individual and society, cell and living being).