We unlock the potential of your data

Qualifying products and services for innovation

Solutions dedicated to the digitalization of industrial processes. Thanks to IoT technologies it is possible to make operational activities more efficient and improve processes to increase productivity and optimize costs.

i-Live Machines

We make your business competitive

Services to support innovation

Modular paths created to let companies Know, Design and Implement Innovationwith IoT applied to production processes and customized on their own business reality and their own industry sector.

IoT Experience

Our solutions to our customers’ needs

Case history

Innovation in the DNA

Holonix is a Spin-off company of Politecnico di Milano

Research and Development at Holonix

We have always been curious and driven by our desire to innovate

Since its creation as spin-off company of the Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering of the Politecnico di Milano, Holonix has been co-operating with prestigious leaders of different industries within variousEU Research Projects to test the most innovative and technological methodologies and IoT solutions dedicated to the world of Manufacturing and much more.

Innovation in the DNA

Holonix uniqueness


Ongoing Projects

EU Program HORIZON 2020

Research and Development