Better Factory invites European manufacturing SMEs, artists and technology providers to engage in a one-year series of collaborative experiments to redesign a new product portfolio.

The journey of manufacturing SMEs towards a digital transformation will be supported by tutors from the following areas: business, art and technology. Participating teams can receive up to € 200,000 in funding per experiment.

The project will enable manufacturing SMEs and mid-cap companies to enter new markets with customizable products or service portfolios. Thanks to Better Factory, artists with an industrial background will be able to create innovative business models, thus reaching new potential customers, while technology providers will have the opportunity to test technologies in real-life situations with low financial risk.

The way?

The first step for SMEs, artists and suppliers will be to express their interest in participating in the project. With the support of the Better Factory consortium, shortlisted candidates will go through a matchmaking process through the “Robotics and Automation Marketplace (RAMP)”. The teams will consist of a manufacturing / mid-cap SME, an artist and a technology provider.

An OPEN CALL for co-created proposals will be launched in May 2021 in order to select the 8 best experiments presented by the teams. Winners will receive up to € 200,000 from EU funds and premium services support for a period of 12 months.

The project will give priority to the following industrial sectors: plastics and rubber, furniture and wood, food and agriculture, construction, metal and machinery, textiles and leather.

For more information regarding the OPEN CALL presented, visit the following link.

Holonix partner in Better Factory: find out more