The digital revolution, the increase in connectivity and the immediacy of the dissemination of information are revolutionizing the way we operate. We live in the “data driven economy“, an economy in which data is the main resource to generate a competitive advantage.

The enterprises have realized the potentialities that reside in the data to own disposition: to discover in advance pattern, trend, behaviors is an element of great advantage regarding the competitors.

At the heart of this revolution are surely the manufacturers of industrial machinery that now must necessarily act, focusing on their digital transformationto always be a step ahead of the competition.


The central role of OEMs and smart machines

Thanks to the use of Iot, Big Data Analytics, AI and Machine Learning solutions, Machinery Builders have the possibility to increase efficiency, performance, safety, to take new avenues and business strategies. Turning mainly to the B2B world, they have the opportunity to become key players in the data driven path of manufacturing Smes.

For manufacturing companies that are developing digital transformation projects based on the introduction of digital solutions, it is absolutely important to be able to count on suppliers that are able to supply machinery with software, sensors, devices for remote monitoring and management and, services integration with solutions for data management.

Often they are machines that fall into very complex and articulated supply chain and that must collaborate and communicate with other production systems; just for this reason, one of the difficulties that the companies of the field machinery have had to face has been that one of effectively understand what features and technologies it was necessary to offer its customers.

Let’s not forget that manufacturers are born with an enormous competence of domination, in particular on automation and production systems, but they are not born with digital.

They are companies that implement innovation in terms of automation and production in other companies, but that have all the potential to obtain great advantages and benefits from digital and its technologies.

Exploiting the potential offered by digital, their skills are amplified when they undertake a review of their systems: just think of remote control, security, digital twin, servitization.

One of the main focus related to the smart transformation of industrial machinery is the ability to integrate them into complex production systems, so not only with the different IT systems present in the factory but also with the ERP platforms: it is essential to understand how, how much and with which methodologies the machinery products support these scenarios.

The information derived from the data is a huge value for the business and one of the main levers of the digital revolution, but it is clear that having the data is not enough. You need to be able to take advantage of the stored mass, going to select only advanced analytics that allow companies to differentiate, innovate and grow.

But are there solutions on the market that can support machinery manufacturers in this process?

As-a-service software for Machinery Builders

A leading product is i-Live Machines di Holonix, the Augmented Intelligence software available in Cloud as-a-service mode, designed specifically for Machinery Builders.

A perfect combination of Technologies 4.0 that allows to intervene by resetting the distances and the intermediaries, monitoring remotely in real time every machine installed in the world; to trace the history of the entire life cycle of each machine on the basis of the real data of their use, collecting and storing information; to analyze the data generated by the machines, to improve and evolve the distinctive performance and lower costs.

i-Live Machines can beused immediately and allows you to share data safely, without the need for framework and on-premise installation; it can be activated remotely, to reach and follow each machine installed.

Holonix’s software product is also used in the European context within the Kitt4SME project (G.A. 952119), which is aimed at European Smes and mid-cap companies to provide them with ready-made solutions. Specifically, the goal is the definition of a digital platform that can be customized in a modular way, which introduces artificial intelligence into their production systems.

Holonix is responsible of the “SENSE and INTERVENE” modules, that is to identify all those parameters of machines, production environment and operators to be analyzed in order to intervene and improve the manufacturing processes and the working environment.

Holonix will collect data from the production environment and transform it into a digital resource so that it can be analyzed and studied through the use of Artificial Intelligence modules provided by the project partners.

Read our article also on the page of Innovation Post