Access to data and the ability to process and analyze large amounts of information require investments that not all companies can afford, creating new market asymmetries. How is it possible to bring the benefits of technologies to the benefit of even small businesses in more traditional sectors?

In July, Alberto Alberio, IT Director of Holonix participated in the Data Manager magazine special, “Analytics and Big Data. Data as the engine of business”.

Alberto Alberio - Holonix
Alberto Alberio – IT Director @Holonix

His contribution is as follows:

That access to data and the ability to process and analyze large amounts of information require investments that not all companies can afford, we think is a statement that is less and less reflected in today’s reality. Until recently, the technology available to perform data analysis necessarily involved significant investments for the purchase of the infrastructure and its management both in terms of analysis tools and knowledge.

Today the technological development and the Augmented Intelligence tools allow all types of companies to tackle the topic of Data Analytics in one sustainable logic of scalability. First of all from an infrastructural point of view thanks to Cloud solutions it is no longer necessary to make large initial investments but weighted according to the specific needs of the company. The approach to data analysis is also influenced by it, allowing you to evaluate from time to time the solution with the best cost / benefit ratio compared to your needs (from simple regression algorithms to deep learning).

In the same logic, the new business models enabled by data Analytics are managed with tools that gradually allow the company to increase its competitivenessboth by enriching its product with new features and with new services such as predictive maintenance and servitization. The derivative financial scalabilityalso becomes important, with low investments, deferred over time and, thanks to incentives, partly financeable.

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