In June, Giada Franceschetti, Junior Controller of Holonix, answered some questions, giving his contribution to the special magazine Data Manager, “Smart working, the new dimension of work”.

Here are some of his answers:

“A change in management is essential, shifting the worker’s assessment from presence to result. Every smart worker must be equipped with appropriate technological tools and not; on the other hand, companies must provide efficient and continuous communication systems, from classic email and instant messaging to video conferences for brainstorming sessions”.

“On average, smart working allows a 30% reduction in management costs and a 15% increase in productivity. In Holonix, implementing the work remotely, a culture of goals and results is becoming established, generating an increase in engagement, greater motivation and satisfaction”.

“To maintain competitiveness, now is the time to develop and test structured smart working and digital investment projects; it will be vital to pay particular attention to the theme of continuing training, to encourage the development of new skills and knowledge”.

For reading the article: click here